Load Research Simulator
Client: Various
Load research is an important utility activity that provides a wealth of information essential to several key utility functions such as; System Planning and Operation, Load Forecasting, Tariff and Rate Design, and Satisfying Regulatory Requirements. Traditional load research is highly data and time intensive, and requires substantial funding. These aspects of traditional load research have restricted large-scale involvement by electricity utility in Australia. EnergyConsult successfully demonstrated that load research studies could be conducted at significantly lower costs using simulation models. The simulation model developed by EnergyConsult uses market research data, appliance penetration levels and technical specifications, grid substation/feeder and generation data, and energy sales data. The model significantly lowers the cost of load research without compromising the accuracy levels. The model also offers greater degree of understanding of energy use against critical variables such as changing weather conditions and seasonal variations in the economic conditions. The model allows simulation of different scenarios e.g. effects of a direct control load management program, variation in lifestyle and technology.