
Energy Efficiency Economics & Markets

MEPS and Labelling

Cost Benefit Analysis for Fan Regulatory Impact Statement

Client: Sustainability Victoria on Behalf of the National Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) program

Working with the Expert Group, EnergyConsult researched and prepared the costs and benefits analysis required for the consultation regulation impact statement (RIS) for increasing the efficiency requirements for all fans powered by electric motors in Australia and New Zealand. Services include investigating market characteristics, international regulations, sales/stock and energy forecasting, cost benefit analysis and technical advice.  A number of policy options were explored to assess impacts in Australia and New Zealand.


Thailand Energy Efficient Appliance Incentive Scheme

Client: Thailand's National Energy Policy Office (NEPO)

EnergyConsult provided specialised technical advice on a project for Thailand's National Energy Policy Office (NEPO). The project involved a review of current labelling programs in Thailand and overseas and the development of a parallel incentive scheme for Thailand to encourage greater uptake of energy efficiency. EnergyConsult led the labelling review and provided advice on the financial incentives appropriate to the Thailand market. EnergyConsult staff also assisting the project manager (ERM of Hong Kong) by providing a technical review of all stages of the project. The project recommended a suitable labelling and incentive scheme for Thailand as well as all the necessary implementation and monitoring guidelines.

Energy Modelling & Cost Benefit Analysis for MEPS

Client: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program

EnergyConsult has been providing advice and assistance for 15 years to the E3 program regarding the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for a range of equipment in Australia and New Zealand. For these MEPS initiatives we have researched the market of the relevant appliances, prepared detailed models of the appliance sales/stock, its energy usage and forecast energy savings from different regulatory options.  We then prepare cost-benefit analyses assessing the economic impact of introducing various MEPS policies and options. 

Equipment markets which have been modelled and cost-benefit analyses performed in the last three years include:

  • Air conditioners
  • Chillers
  • Close control air conditioners
  • Battery chargers
  • Fans
  • Flat Screens ( TVs and monitors )
  • Refrigerated cabinets
  • Electric Storage Water Heaters.


Development of CBA &RIS: MEPS for Close Control Air Conditioners in Australia and NZ

Client: Department of Environment, Water, Heritage & Arts

The Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) establishes whether or not the introduction of any regulation, including Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances, results in net economic, social and environmental benefit for the economy and the country. This RIS includes very detailed assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed regulations and provides thorough cost-benefits analysis. Energy Consult led the project and wrote the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and RIS concerning implementation of MEPS applying to the power consumption of Close Control Air Conditioners in Australia and New Zealand.

For more information: refer to the report here

Assessment of Potential of Residential Mandatory Disclosure Assessments in the Strata Title Market

Client: Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

EnergyConsult researched the regulatory, physical and managerial constraints on undertaking energy efficient actions in the strata title and community title sectors. Extensive stakeholder consultation and interviewing throughout Australian was undertaken. The resulting impacts of those constraints on undertaking the proposed mandatory home energy disclosure scheme in the strata and community sector on potential energy savings were modelled and a cost-benefit analysis of the scheme in the strata title sector was undertaken.


Development of CBA & RIS: MEPS for Chillers in Australia and NZ

Client: Department of Environment, Water, Heritage & Arts

The Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) establishes whether or not the introduction of any regulation, including Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances, results in net economic, social and environmental benefit for the economy and the country. This RIS includes very detailed assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed regulations and provides thorough cost-benefits analysis. Energy Consult led the project and wrote the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and RIS concerning implementation of MEPS applying to the power consumption of Chillers in Australia and New Zealand.

Gas Space Heating Product Profile

Client: Department Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

EnergyConsult prepared a product profile of the gas space heating market, the drivers of the market and the impact of the heaters on energy consumption and greenhouse emissions in Australia. Options for increasing the energy efficiency of the heaters and for lowering emissions were developed and recommendations made.

Mandatory Disclosure of the Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in Australia

Client: the Australian Greenhouse Office

EnergyConsult, working with Sustainable Built Environment, conducted a scoping study into the potential for a national mandatory disclosure requirement for energy efficiency in residential dwellings. Research was conducted concerning the energy performance rating schemes operating internationally and the impacts of voluntary and mandatory energy performance rating schemes. Several energy performance rating options were defined and an economic analysis of the potential impacts of the options conducted. The research and recommendations were reported for government and industry consideration.

Energy Use Models for Australia/New Zealand Industrial Sector

Client: Sustainability Victoria on behalf of the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program

EnergyConsult developed models to estimate the current and projected energy use and greenhouse emissions, and the potential energy and greenhouse savings for new minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) targeting certain types of industrial equipment. This exercise also involved an initial assessment of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of implementing MEPS for certain types of industrial equipment, with the aim of developing a prioritised list of products to be proposed for regulatory action over a 10 year period. EnergyConsult also provided technical advice on specific industrial equipment and testing standards for regulated MEPS.

Development of Cost Benefits for MEPS for Home Entertainment Products in Australia and NZ

Client: Department Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

The Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) establishes whether or not the introduction of any regulation, including Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances, results in net economic, social and environmental benefit for the economy and the country. In this case, a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) was completed before the development of a RIS and includes very detailed assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed regulations and provides thorough cost-benefits analysis. The scope of this analysis included applying MEPS to the standby power consumption of Home Entertainment products in Australia and New Zealand.

For more information: refer to the report here

Gas Ducted Space Heating Product Profile

Client: Department Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

For the national Equipment Energy Efficiency program, EnergyConsult prepared a product profile which analysed the nature of the gas ducted space heating market, the drivers of the market and the impact of the heaters on energy consumption and greenhouse emissions in Australia. Options for increasing the energy efficiency of the heaters and for lowering emissions were developed and recommendations made.

The project report was published on and is available for download here (900kb).

Cost Benefit Modelling for Hot Water requirements for New Class 1 Dwellings in Victoria

Client: Department of Sustainability and Environment

EnergyConsult undertook cost benefit analysis of the potential impacts of various national MEPS level options if applied to Victoria. This analysis considered take up of the different water heating technology types in areas with and without reticulated gas, hot water consumption in different climate zones and the impact of existing State MEPS. Costs of implementing the different MEPS and the energy/cost savings were all calculated.

Cost Benefit Analysis of a National Home Energy Rating Scheme

Client: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, New Zealand

Following a previous review of home energy rating scheme (HERS) options for New Zealand, EnergyConsult researched and developed cost-benefit analyses of HERS options for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, New Zealand. EnergyConsult researched and evaluated the potential costs and benefits, developed a forecasts model of the potential impacts on the national housing stock and energy usage, and conducted the cost-benefit analysis based on the forecast impacts. Energy savings, greenhouse emissions abatement and health improvements were all considered.

Heat Pump Water Heater: RIS Scenario Assessment

Client: Plumbing Industry Commission, Victoria

EnergyConsult provided advice to the Plumbing Industry Commission (PIC) on the suitability of the data and assumptions that relate to the proposed amended regulation. The objective of that regulation is to ensure that gas boosted solar water heaters are installed in areas where reticulated natural gas is available for connection to new Class 1 buildings, when complying with the provisions of the 5 Star Standard for new homes. A comprehensive report was prepared that detailed the scenarios and findings of the analysis.

Development of CBA &RIS: MEPS for STBs in Australia and New Zealand

Client:  Department of Environment, Water, Heritage & Arts

Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) are produced to support the introduction of regulations in Australia and New Zealand. The RIS establishes whether or not the introduction of any regulation, including Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances, results in net economic, social and environmental benefit for the economy and the country. A RIS includes very detailed assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed regulations and provides thorough cost-benefits analysis. EnergyConsult led the project and wrote the RIS concerning implementation of MEPS for Set-top Boxes (STBs) in Australia and New Zealand.

For more information: refer to the report here

Voluntary Energy Labelling Possibilities for Evaporative & Refrigerative Air Conditioners

Client: Australian Greenhouse Office

EnergyConsult was responsible for the consultancy that aimed to identify and report on what options may exist for a voluntary energy labelling program that could assist consumers and improve the sales of the most efficient cooling products. EnergyConsult undertook a review of overseas labelling options and undertook interviews with Australian manufacturers and stakeholders.

Options Study – MEPS/Labelling Possibilities for Stoves and Cook-tops

Client: Australian Greenhouse Office

EnergyConsult was responsible for a consultancy that examined all possibilities - from voluntary to mandatory measures - for a program to encourage stove and cook top efficiency. EnergyConsult reviewed overseas energy efficiency programs that target cooker efficiency and assessed the applicability and suitability of various strategies for Australia. The major recommendations of this study are being used to develop a voluntary program to improve oven efficiency in Australia.

National Equipment Energy Efficiency Program

Client: Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,

EnergyConsult has provided key strategic advice, technical, market and cost/benefit assessment services to support the National Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Labelling. These services include the recommendation of MEPS levels based on world best regulatory practice, development of market assessments, energy and GHG projections and impacts, voluntary program design and material development. Since 2000, the equipment types covered include air conditioners, chillers, motors, hot water systems, refrigerators, compressed air systems, gas heaters, stoves and consumer electronic equipment (i.e., DVDs, audio equipment, TVs and digital Set Top Boxes).

Analysis of the Potential Policy Option – MEPS for Oil Fired Boilers and Water Heating Systems

Client: Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO)

This study aimed to conduct an analysis of the policy options on suitability of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEPS) for oil-fired boiler and water heating systems. The primary purpose of this analysis was to investigate this product type for suitability to MEPS. The study covered all types and sizes of domestic and commercial/industrial boilers and water heating systems that use oil as primary fuel. Australian market conditions for oil-fired boilers and water heating systems and international practices for efficiency requirements for this type of equipment were used to establish most appropriate policy options.

International Review of MEPS Levels for Air Conditioning Products

Client: Australian Greenhouse Office

EnergyConsult was responsible for an international review of the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and test standards applicable to residential air conditioners and packaged air conditioners. The review identifies and reports on the international MEPS levels for air conditioners and proposes the MEPS levels that would be appropriate for Australia to consider for the various air conditioner product categories, to be implemented in 2006.

Development of CBA & RIS: One Watt Horizontal Standby MEPS

Client: Department Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) are produced to support the introduction of regulations in Australia and New Zealand. This RIS focused on whether introducing a 'horizontal' MEPS which would be applicable to any appliance using standby power, and not covered by existing product specific regulations, was justifiable. The RIS established whether or not the introduction of any regulation, including Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances, results in net economic, social and environmental benefit for the economy and the country. The RIS includes detailed assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed regulations and provides thorough cost-benefits analysis. EnergyConsult undertook the research, analysis and report preparation for the RIS.

For more information: refer to the report here