Energy Efficiency
Australian and New Zealand Residential Baseline Energy End-use Model
Client: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
This project involving the development of a comprehensive residential energy end use model for Australia and New Zealand, which modelled the historical energy use from 2000 to 2014 and project forward energy demand to 2030. It found the Australian residential sector was experiencing an unprecedented decline in energy use, and that energy use was not projected to increase until after 2021. The study provides a quantitative basis for a scenario modelling of potential energy market and energy efficiency policy measures by the Australian Government, the New Zealand Government and industry. The data modelled from this study also can provide the baselines for energy efficiency assessments of products and household usage. The data and associated model was designed to be flexible and can be updated with new raw data annually (i.e. sales, efficiency). The model is based on a bottom up energy end-use model of end-uses and appliances in the residential sector for major fuels and also models potential peak demand.
Download the Australian Report, Technical Appendix
Download the New Zealand Report
Contact us for access to the detailed output tables
Review of Abatement Factors for New Activities Proposed for the Energy Saver Incentive Scheme
Client: Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
The Energy Saver Incentive is the public name for one of the first mandatory energy efficiency target schemes in Australia. The scheme places legislative requirements on energy retailers in Victoria to save a minimum amount of energy. Approved activities are deemed to create certain amounts of energy saving. EnergyConsult was commissioned to review the energy savings justifications and calculations for new activities before they were approved. EnergyConsult provided advice on the technical viability of the activities to achieve their claimed savings and the calculations of savings.
Energex Residential Energy Efficiency Study
Client: Energex
In order to assist Energex with both demand and consumption forecasting, EnergyConsult developed a bottom up energy end-use model of the electricity use of Energex residential customers, which examined both historical consumption and maximum demand patterns and projected consumption and maximum demand to 2030. The contribution of appliance end use groups to consumption and demand were examined, and how they were contributing to consumption and demand trends. The impact of energy efficiency changes, versus other factors, on consumption was also examined. The model was also supplied as a tool for modelling the impact of future trends, energy programs, market and technology changes.
Assessment of proposed New VEET activities and development of deemed savings estimates
Client: Department of Primary Industry, Victoria
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target scheme, promoted as the Energy Saver Incentive scheme, is a mandatory energy efficiency target schemes which places legislative requirements on energy retailers in Victoria to save a minimum amount of energy. EnergyConsult reviewed proposals for potential over 20 new activities in the VEET scheme to determine technical feasibility, potential energy savings, implementation viability and risks, and compliance and verification implications. For activities that might be included in the scheme, further research on the likely implementation of the activities and their energy savings was undertaken, and EnergyConsult then developed deemed emission savings estimates for relevant activities.
Development of Deemed Energy Saving Methodologies of the Proposed National Energy Savings Initiative (NESI)
Client: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
EnergyConsult, with assistance from Beletich Associates, prepared a set of potential energy savings activities to be included in the proposed NESI, undertaken research on deeming methodology approaches appropriate to those actions, and prepared a set of deeming methodologies and calculations to determine the average energy savings for each of the proposed activities. Developing these deeming methodologies included making recognition of the climate, building stock and appliance market penetration variations across Australia and adding appropriate factors to the deeming algorithms to calculate savings in different climatic regions and jurisdictions.
Energy Efficiency and Capacity Development -Pakistan
Client: USAID
This project supported distribution companies in Pakistan to adopt serious energy efficiency and DSM activities, as the country is facing critical power shortages. EnergyConsult staff provided guidance and leadership to the principal contractor’s team in conducting detailed analysis of system and customer category load profiles, analysed customer usage data, and operational and organizational situation of 4 distribution companies (DISCOs) in Pakistan.
Technical Review of Energy Efficiency Information Grants (EEIG) participants’ program materials
Client: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
For three years EnergyConsult provided technical and communication reviews of energy efficiency information material developed by grant recipients under the Australian Government’s $40M Energy Efficiency Information Grants (EEIG) Program. Over 1000 materials have been reviewed with the reviews advising on the technical accuracy, comprehensiveness and quality of the technical information prepared by recipients, as well as the communication and presentation style, relevance and usefulness, objectivity, and any legislation and policy issues. The materials targeted households and businesses in the commercial and industrial sectors.
Review of a Star Rating Scheme for Japanese Used Vehicles in New Zealand
Client: The NZ Ministry of Transport
EnergyConsult summarised and reviewed the proposed Star Rating Scheme for Japanese Used Vehicles. The review assessed the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives and goals of the scheme, the test method for determining fuel consumption, scope of vehicles, assumptions and data availability and information delivery methods. A comprehensive report was prepared that detailed the technical criteria and algorithms for the Scheme.
Nepal NEA Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Project
Client: The World Bank
This project identified energy efficiency (EE) and Demand Side Management (DSM) potential for this rapidly growing country. The objectives of this study included conducting a detailed diagnostic analysis of existing supply and demand situation to identify potential energy efficiency and DSM options with a cost benefit analysis. Extensive analysis of the current load profile of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) by customer class was undertaken. EnergyConsult also undertook a detailed end-user load survey to develop end-use, segment and sector load shape profiles. The NEA staff were trained to maintain and update these profiles. The study developed a detailed EE/DSM action plan for the national utility to target and gradually implement EE/DSM programs while strengthening its capacity to do so without intensive foreign assistance.
Options Study – Voluntary Australian Greenhouse Lighting Challenge
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult undertook the project design and technical research on the most applicable options for an Australian Efficient Lighting program. Overseas energy efficiency programs that target lighting efficiency were researched to assess the applicability and suitability of various lighting efficiency marketing strategies for Australia. The major recommendations of this study were used to develop a voluntary lighting program to complement the minimum efficiency standards being considered by the Australian Government.
Alignment of National Standby Power Approaches Project
Client: Department of Environment, Water, Heritage, and the Arts
As part of the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Change (APP), EnergyConsult led a project to enable consistent collection of data on standby power. The project resulted in a representative set of standby measurements across Australia, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada and India. The website is provides interactive charts of comparing the standby power of various appliances in each country.
For more information, refer to the report: here
Success of Compressed Air Programs
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult was responsible for the consultancy that identified and reported on what program options should be utilised in Australia to voluntarily encourage energy efficient installation, use and design of air compressor systems. The report recommendations were used to assist with a program implemented by the AGO.
Residential Emerging Sustainable Technologies Research
Client: Sustainability Victoria
EnergyConsult undertook research to develop a database of emerging sustainable technologies. The research was conducted to provide Sustainability Victoria with detailed information for staff to respond to general enquiries. Technologies were presented in a table format with fixed categories, allowing for comparison of products and open fields where more detailed information specific to each product can be revealed. References were provided in the form of hyperlinks to both PDF files containing in-depth information and direct to product websites. The attributes considered included: time to market, design integration, life cycle, climate, costs/benefits, energy savings and payback period.
Preparation of Efficient Compressed Air System Guides
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office and the Air and Mine Equipment Institute of Australia,
EnergyConsult was contracted to research and write a comprehensive guide to efficient compressed air systems. The four separate guide books provide information on the types, selection and efficiency opportunities for compressed air systems in the industrial sector.
Energy Bill Benchmarking RIS
Client: The Standing Committee of Officials of the Ministerial Council on Energy
EnergyConsult conducted stakeholder consultation and developed a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) addressing the issue of introducing a national mandatory display of energy consumption benchmarks on residential energy billing statements. EnergyConsult researched national and international programs in this area and developed models of the potential impact of such a scheme, together with a full benefit-cost analysis of its impacts. The RIS was documented, submitted to OBPR and published.
For more information: refer to the report here
Scoping Study for Hot Water Programs
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult compiled a list of programs being implemented by state and federal organisations. The study developed a matrix of hot water programs and the applicable market mechanism.
On-ground Assessment of Energy Efficiency Potential of Victorian Houses
Client: Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd (MEFL)
EnergyConsult assisted Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd (MEFL) to undertake an on-ground assessment of the energy efficiency potential of a sample of Victorian homes, which was conducted for Sustainability Victoria. EnergyConsult advised on the measurement methodology and undertook the analysis of energy savings of all homes using data collected by MEFL and its subcontractors and prepared the report. Modelling of the energy load of the homes was done using AccuRate and appliance efficiency was determined using energy rating data on all fixed and the main portable appliances. The costs, energy savings and greenhouse emission savings of different options for improving the housing envelope and appliances were researched and determined.
Scoping Study for Air Conditioning Programs
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult developed a "shopping list" of programs that could be used by the AGO to assist the industry. The study developed a list of possible efficient air conditioning programs with particular regard to industry assistance. The project resulted in the development of an Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program by the Australian Institute of Air-conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating (AIRAH).
Smart Energy Zone Grant Application Procedures and Selection
Client: Sustainability Victoria
EnergyConsult prepared the documentation and selection methodology for recruiting and selecting applications for Smart Energy Zone program grants. EnergyConsult staff were part of the selection panel and assisted in the selection of successful stage 1 and 2 applications. EnergyConsult also reported the deliberations and recommendations of the assessment panels.
Development of an Energy End Use Database for Hong Kong
Client: Hong Kong Government
EnergyConsult staff managed the development of an energy end use database for Hong Kong. The objectives for the database included comparing Hong Kong's energy use with other countries; tracking energy trends from the end-use level; forecasting future energy requirements; and evaluating a range of energy policy instruments and energy efficiency programs. The two-stage project involved assessing the objectives of the database, auditing existing data and primary research to determine the end use consumption of technologies in the residential, commercial, industrial and transport sectors. EnergyConsult staff directed survey efforts to assess equipment choice decisions, trends in the usage of end use technologies and market segment growth. The end use database and forecasting system developed for Hong Kong provides an integrated software environment for energy policy analysis, with an ability to model several types of policies and trends.
Housing Condition/Energy Performance of Rental Properties in Victoria
Client: Moreland Energy Foundation
Research into the energy efficiency and condition of rental housing in Victoria was conducted by EnergyConsult to provide insights into whether efficiency and conditions differed from owner-occupied homes. A review and analysis of existing research was conducted and then energy audits were conducted of 60 rental properties, using Moreland Energy Foundation to conduct the audits. Areas where significant improvements in the energy and water efficiency of housing could be obtained were identified.
Design and Implementation of DSM Programs for Guam
Client: Guam Power Authority
EnergyConsult staff were assigned over a four month period to provide the necessary on-site assistance to design four DSM programs and lead the GPA DSM Department in the design process. EnergyConsult staff assisted GPA with DSM training and education, market research and the development of detailed program rebates, qualifying technology criteria and implementation procedures. Program marketing and evaluation plans were developed as well as a database for monitoring and tracking the programs.
Residential Heating and Cooling Performance Improvement Benefit Cost Analysis
Client: Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, South Australia
EnergyConsult conducted a detailed analysis of the private and non-private costs and benefits associated with improving the energy efficiency of residential heating and cooling systems in South Australia. The assessment considered several scenarios involving the installation of thermal improvements (insulation, zoning, etc.) and technology efficiency measures (increased efficiency, ducting insulation, etc.) when householders installed cooling or heating equipment. EnergyConsult designed the house and appliance stock and CBA model, assessed the energy impacts via Accurate modelling of potential building improvements, researched and modelled efficiencies of appliance improvements and appliance stock turnover and prepared the project report.
Energy Policy and Systems Analysis Project
Client: Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
EnergyConsult staff managed a $5M multi-nation project designed to improve the capability of the ASEAN nations in energy policy analysis. The project involved technical assistance in the development of energy data, policy analysis and software to five ASEAN nations over a four-year period using the MARKAL model as the analytical tool. EnergyConsult staff managed the technical input and activities of several subcontractors, including the University of Technology, Sydney and the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics
Assessment of Application for New REES Energy Efficiency Activity
Client: The Essential Services Commission of South Australia
The Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) is a ‘white certificate' an energy efficiency scheme that provides incentives for South Australian households to achieve greenhouse gas reductions and potentially lower their energy bills. Approved activities are deemed to create certain amounts of energy saving and greenhouse abatement. EnergyConsult was commissioned to review the applications for new activities before they were approved. EnergyConsult provided advice on the technical viability of the activities to achieve their claimed savings, the testing of the effectiveness of the activities and the calculations of savings.
The Phase 2 Report is available here (316 KB)
Demand Side Management for the Philippines
Client: USAID
EnergyConsult staff?project managed a series of large-scale market research surveys throughout the Philippines, analysed the resulting data and made recommendations concerning potential energy efficiency program measures. Energy usage data was collected from utilities and from the surveys to analyse and develop a detailed understanding of energy end-usage in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in the Philippines.
Development of a National Home Energy Rating Policy and Program
Client: the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, New Zealand
EnergyConsult researched and evaluated the options for introducing a national home energy rating scheme (HERS). We conducted a detailed international study of a range of energy efficiency programs, principally focusing on HERS, to determine the success of voluntary and mandatory HERS versus alternative energy efficiency incentive schemes. A cost-benefit study was conducted to determine the forecast impacts of the HERS and incentive program options. Finally implementation issues were examined and a HERS program design recommended.
Implementation and Promotion of Commercial Energy Efficiency Project (CEEP)
Client: Ministry of Industry, Vietnam
Ministry of Industry Vietnam was using GEF funding to promote commercialization of Energy Efficiency business in the country. The objective of the program was to strengthening the private sector involvement and interest in promoting energy efficiency in commercial sector to attain a sustainable market for energy efficiency initiatives in the country. EnergyConsult staff developed strategies and plans for promoting the program among the three major stakeholders; the customers, members of existing and potential energy services industry, and financial services providers. A comprehensive marketing plan to ensure broader outreach and participation of the program was developed.
Energy Efficiency Advice Brochures for Greenhouse Challenge Members
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult researched and wrote a series of advice brochures to assist small and medium businesses to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their energy costs and greenhouse emissions. Topics covered ranged from equipment selection and maintenance to lighting and building design.
NEEP DSM Training Saudi Arabia
Client: National Energy Efficiency program (NEEP) Saudi Arabia
The National Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP) is aimed at promoting energy efficiency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through capacity building, providing support and market transformation. As part of its capacity building mandate the NEEP organized 2 one week training courses to help the relevant staff of Saudi Electricity Company, IPPs and very large industrial customers establish and enhance their understanding and capabilities to the concepts and practices of DSM. EnergyConsult developed and delivered specialized course tailored to the context of local requirements for such training. The training also provided hands on practices on various DSM activities e.g. establishment of DSM objectives and potential, load research, cost benefit assessment of DSM, and design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DSM programs using purpose built analytical tools and models.
Development of a Large-Scale Energy Efficient Lighting Program – Pakistan
Client: The World Bank
This project was aimed at assisting the Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) to design, develop and implement a full-scale efficient lighting promotions and distribution program. EnergyConsult was assigned to analyse various type of customer and utility data to assist EPCO develop core design, development, and implementation and M&E components of the program together with detailed cost benefit assessment. The program targets residential and commercial customers with highest level of ownership incandescent lamps.
Demand-side Management Project Phase1, Vietnam
Client: World Bank
EnergyConsult staff played the lead role in this World Bank funded project. The project was aimed at metering of customers to determine the time profile of electricity consumption, the impacts of different customer use patterns on peak electricity loads and impacts of different designs of TOU tariffs on utility profile. EnergyConsult staff conducted market research surveys, identified and profiled customer segments, designed and implemented a load research survey, developed representative load profiles for all segments, developed end-use profiles and aggregated end-use and segment load profiles to sector, region and national level profiles.
Vietnam Energy Efficient Public Lighting Project - Vietnam
Client: GEF funded and UNDP administered
This 5 year project aims to promote efficient design and implementation of lighting schemes in public places including streets, schools, and hospitals. This is a multi-disciplinary project aimed at market transformation to create a facilitating environment for adoption of energy efficiency on sustainable basis. EnergyConsult staff are assigned in the?lead role as International Senior Technical Advisor and since 2007 have been providing direction to the project at the national and international level. Key responsibilities include providing advice and leadership on policy and regulation development, market transformation, identifying and establishing synergies between various stakeholders' interests, quality management, risk mitigation and communication.
Load Research Study for Ceylon Electricity Board, Sri Lanka
Client: Ceylon Electricity Board
A key component of the World Bank funded Energy Services Delivery project was the DSM Implementation Strategy and Load Research Program, initiated by the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB). The primary focus of this program was to develop improved databases and capabilities to identify and implement actions to improve energy efficiency and reduce the future increases in electricity costs to consumers. EnergyConsult staff led the load research program. Data from market research surveys, customer site metering, power generation and distribution records, utility sales records were used to establish the breakdown of system load profile at regional, sector, segment, end-use and end-use technology levels.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Project – Pakistan
Client: USAID
This USAID funded project is aimed at assisting distribution companies developed under recent unbundling of state owned utility WAPDA. The core objective of the project was to train staff of distribution companies to the concepts and implementation of energy efficiency and demand-side management as means to address current power crises, as well as transform some the project as potential CDM projects in support of country's climate change policy and initiatives. EnergyConsult staff, as the Energy Efficiency Specialist?conducted training programs on energy efficiency, DSM and CDM projects, while developing various DSM programs for distribution companies that target different customer categories.