Measurement and Evaluation
Evaluation of the Regional Electrical Access Program
Client: Regional Development Victoria, Victorian State Government
EnergyConsult were part of the Essential Economics team of evaluators assigned to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Regional Electrical Access Program. This program provided millions of dollars of grants to assist with the upgrade of electricity infrastructure in regional Victoria over three year period to 2011. EnergyConsult conducted stakeholder interviews and research of the impact of the program on participants, including the economic, physical and flow-on impacts of the electrical upgrades.
Evaluation of Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Non-Ducted Air Conditioning in Australia
Client: The Department of Climate Change
Mandatory minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for air conditioners were introduced in Australia in 2003. The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency undertook an evaluation of MEPS for households refrigerators to establish whether the introduction of these policies achieved desired impacts (reduction in energy and electricity demand) and compared these to those forecasted at the time of implementation of the policy. EnergyConsult was responsible for directing the collection, processing and analysis of historic sales and technical data of air conditioners sold in Australia for past twenty years and to establish the direct impacts of government policy on energy performance attributes of air conditioners, such as annual energy consumption and energy consumption per unit storage volume.
Field Trial of Energy Saving Device
Client: Embertec
EnergyConsult conducted a field trial of an energy saving device in 20 residential properties in Adelaide. The device targets the wasted energy in the audio visual and PC environments. The trail used an innovative approach to the measurement of energy savings by the device which relied on the simulation of energy saving functions. The report was confidential, however it will be used to determine the deeming values for various energy saving schemes in Victoria and South Australia.
KPI Review for the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessment Program
Client: Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources,
EnergyConsult reviewed the proposed KPIs for the EEOA in terms of the potential data collection implications, feasibility, and value in eventually evaluating the EEOA program. Recommendations were developed concerning the suitability of the proposed KPIs and how these might be modified if required.
Evaluation of DSM Programs for Guam
Client: Guam Power Authority (GPA)
EnergyConsult staff undertook the second major evaluation of their DSM Programs by reviewing the marketing programs, promotion and advertising, the marketing budget and trade allies channels used in the program. Data was gathered to evaluate GPA's "Energy Sense" program. EnergyConsult staff performed the analysis and made recommendations regarding changes required to the marketing of the program to increase the program's effectiveness.
DSM Tracking and Monitoring Database
Client: Department of Energy, Republic of Philippines
EnergyConsult was contracted by Navigant Consulting to develop a DSM Program Tracking Database and Monitoring Tool. The software tool utilises both MS Access and Excel for easy end-user modification, as the DSM programs in the Philippines are still in the design and pilot stage. The database tracks customer applications and DSM measure impacts according to the regulatory framework for the Philippines and provides regular reports of program activities.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Vietnam Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency (DSM/EE) Project
Client: The World Bank
The World Bank funded DSM/EE Program in Vietnam was ongoing since 1997. Several DSM programs had been implemented under the project and needed to be appropriately monitored and evaluated in order to identify and improve implementation process efficiencies and establish the net impacts they may have produced. EnergyConsult staff were involved in the project as international consultant for M&E. EnergyConsult's core responsibilities included development of a M&E plan and methodologies, and to design and establish a system on MS Access platform. The system (titled DSM Tracker) generates required reports in tabular and graphical forms.
Development of an Energy Efficient Equipment and Service Providers Database
Client: Energy Victoria
EnergyConsult staff directed the development of survey instruments and methodologies for the collection of data relating to efficient equipment and service providers for use in an incentive program. Cost benefit analysis of equipment suitable for inclusion in DSM programs was conducted, including the development of baseline equipment end use data. A searchable database was developed for the purposes of communicating with the equipment and service providers
Workbook on Greenhouse Gas Reduction for Transport Sector Projects
Client: International Greenhouse Partnerships Office (IGPO) of the Department of Industry, Science and Resources
EnergyConsult researched and prepared a workbook to assist project proponents in Australia and overseas interested in undertaking transport sector AIJ/JI/CDM projects. The preparation of this workbook included researching and explaining the sometimes complex methodologies required for determining, monitoring and verifying GHG reduction strategies in the transport sector, as well as developing case studies illustrating the steps required to develop project proposals. Emissions calculation models were prepared which were to be used in conjunction with the workbook.
Impact of Mandatory Residential Energy Performance Disclosure Requirements (HERS) in the ACT
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult conducted a detailed research study on the impact of the mandatory home energy rating system which had been operating in the ACT for nine years. Research was conducted through stakeholder interviews and focus groups and government HERS rating records and housing price data collected. The analysis determined the extent of awareness and acceptance of the HERS program, the extent it was influencing renovation approaches and buying decision making.
DSM Tracking Software
Client: The World Bank
EnergyConsult staff developed an application, on the MS Access platform, to monitor, assess and evaluate the progress and performance of these DSM programs and strategies in Sri Lanka. The DSM Tracker stores key parameters of a DSM strategy and/or program over certain period and on the basis of defined indicators provides the effectiveness of the DSM strategy/program. The software can be customized to suit the conditions of different utilities.
Hot Water Heater Energy Use and Running Costs for Victoria
Client: Sustainability Victoria
EnergyConsult provided a model and report that estimates the annual energy running costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of different hot water systems in Victoria. The report updates an earlier study be another consultant prepared in May 2005 for Sustainability Victoria. The model and report calculated energy use, running costs and GHG emissions for each water heater type by climate zone and hot water load. The model utilised TRNSYS modelling of units in Australian Standard climate Zone 4 and Zone 3.
Moreland Solar City Database
Client: Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd
EnergyConsult advised Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd on their data requirements to meet their obligations under the federal Solar Cities program and their own research and program management requirements. A functional specification was developed for a database to meet Moreland's requirements.
Solar Cities – Monitoring and Reporting Strategy/Implementation
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult assisted the AGO with to measure and report on the impacts of the Solar Cities programme. The project involved the multidimensional measurement of key parameters, such as electricity peak load impacts, GHG abatement and financial/economic cost savings as a result of the Solar Cities programme. The first stage of the project prepared a monitoring and reporting strategy for the Solar City consortia.
Draft Measurement Guide for the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program
Client: Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
EnergyConsult?developed a draft of the information resource called the Measurement Guide. This Guide outlines processes that can be used for forecasting, measuring and reporting the impacts of EEO projects. Practical examples and direction are supplied to ensure the Guide will be of use to industry. The draft and additional electronic tools form a resource kit for industry.
Evaluation of Launceston Wood-heater Replacement Program and Associated Measures
Client: National Heritage Trust
EnergyConsult undertook the Evaluation of Launceston Wood-heater Replacement Program (LWRP). The evaluation aimed to report on the achievements of the Launceston Program against the agreed objectives; whether the program was achieving its objectives in the most effective and appropriate way; and advise on future strategies to obtain further reductions in wood smoke. EnergyConsult conducted the quantitative analysis of program impacts and the assessment of the program in achieving the agreed objectives.
Measurement Options for the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessment Program
Client: the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
EnergyConsult?reviewed the measurement methodologies and procedures of the major Australian energy efficiency programs and standards, aimed at energy users in industry, and assessed their applicability for the EEOA program. Recommendations were developed concerning the measurement methodologies and procedures that would be most applicable for the EEOA.
Full Term Review of the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program
Client: Department of Industry, Tourism & Resources
EnergyConsult undertook the Full Term Review of the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program (EEBP). The Program, which aimed to directly assist companies in implementing energy efficiency commenced in June 1998. The review, which was completed in October 2002, involved 36 in-depth interviews with program participants and key stakeholders to determine the program's appropriateness and effectiveness. Program cost effectiveness and efficiency was measured by undertaking a scenario analysis of different levels of program engagement. The scenarios were developed by EnergyConsult using EEBP data and estimates were made of government costs. The Full Term Review also required the development of recommendations for the future direction of the EEBP program.
Measurement of Impacts of Community Action Program
Client: Department of Sustainability and Resources,
EnergyConsult?analysed the measurement data and reported on the impact of 55 greenhouse abatement projects, principally consisting of energy efficiency projects. The projects conducted were from the residential, agricultural, transport, commercial and industrial sectors. Data collection, measurement approaches and analyses were reviewed and verified where possible. Total impacts for Round 1 and 2 of the program were reported.
Exit Report of the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program
Client: Department of Industry, Tourism & Resources
EnergyConsult provided the analysis and reporting of the final quantitative impacts of the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program (EEBP). EnergyConsult had previously conducted the Full Term Review of the program and this project provided updated the results for the Department, to enable a complete exit report for the program. The analysis of the energy, greenhouse impacts and cost effectiveness of the program also involved further in-depth interviews with program participants and key stakeholders to determine the participant impacts
Victorian Greenhouse Strategy: 2004 Impact Assessment
Client: the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria
EnergyConsult undertook an assessment of the GHG impact of several VGS actions to compare progress against estimated impacts. The project involved the collection of project monitoring data and application of greenhouse emission abatement measurement approaches to the Government's new and existing greenhouse strategies. In addition, advice was provided on the progress of greenhouse abatement measurement data collection processes for the several actions. A report on the assessment and progress on the earlier measurement recommendations was prepared.
Cool Communities - GHG Measurement Consultancy
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult provided a variety of services that assisted in the development and implementation of the Cool Communities program. The project developed an overarching framework to implement and measure a range of greenhouse gas abatement actions at the household level and develop specific quantifiable actions for individual communities to undertake to achieve behaviour change and household greenhouse gas abatement. In addition, EnergyConsult developed, implemented and administered a process to estimate the measurement of greenhouse gas abatement resulting from the Cool Communities project.
Victorian Greenhouse Strategy: Review Project Measurement and Develop Measurement Plans
Client: Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria
EnergyConsult undertook a twelve month consultancy project that provided the Victorian Government with an assessment of the present project monitoring data collection and greenhouse emission abatement measurement approaches of the Government's new and existing greenhouse strategies. Following this review, EnergyConsult developed greenhouse abatement measurement data collection processes and measurement plans for the many projects that required them. A report on the review, measurement approaches planned and measurement recommendations was prepared.
Audit of NSW Electricity Retailer GHG Strategy
Client: A major NSW electricity retailer
EnergyConsult audited the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies for compliance with the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995 - Schedule 2. The Audit involved the vetting of analysis, strategies and calculations to meet the requirements of the Act and commenting on the appropriateness of each strategy.
Cool Communities – Measurement of GHG Abatement
Client: Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult undertook the assessment of impacts from the implementation of the Cool Communities program. The project utilised an overarching framework to measure a range of greenhouse gas abatement actions at the household level and data collected from the several individual communities relating to actions implemented to reduce greenhouse gases.
Evaluation of Labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Refrigerators in Australia
Client: AGO
Mandatory appliance labelling and minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for households refrigerators were introduced in Australia in 1987 and 1992 respectively. The AGO undertook an evaluation of MEPS for households refrigerators to establish whether the introduction of such a policy achieved desired impacts (reduction in energy and electricity demand) and compared these to those forecasted at the time of implementation of the policy. Energy Consult was responsible for directing the collection, processing and analysis of historic sales and technical data of refrigerators sold in Australia for past 35 years and to establish the direct impacts of government policy on energy performance attributes of refrigerators such as annual energy consumption and energy consumption per unit storage volume.
Investigative Review of Data Management and Analysis of the AGO
Client: the Australian Greenhouse Office
EnergyConsult worked with SMS Consulting in reviewing the data management and analysis methodologies used by all the AGO teams. The project's goal was to provide high-level guidance and recommendations on approaches to improve data management and analysis in the AGO. EnergyConsult's role was to determine the greenhouse gas data collection methods and abatement measurement methods currently being used by the AGO, and to advise on the appropriateness of their data sources, methodologies, emissions factors, program monitoring and modelling tools. This work required a thorough understanding of all of the AGO abatement programs, data collection approaches, measurement methodologies and related areas of the Kyoto Protocol. EnergyConsult facilitated staff and management workshops, interviewed executives from all organisational areas and conducted structured interviews with the majority of the 20 AGO teams. A comprehensive analysis of qualitative and quantitative results and detailed report was prepared.
Evaluation of the Nepal CFL Distribution Pilot Program
Client: The World Bank
This project evaluated the energy savings and participant reactions to a pilot Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) distribution program. The pilot program involved the supply of almost 300,000 CFLs to householders in Nepal by the electricity utility Nepal Electricity Authority. Over 600 surveys and interviews were conducted of participant and non-participants, as well as interviews with retailers and suppliers. Energy and demand impacts were estimated and reported.