
Energy Efficiency Economics & Markets

Greenhouse Gas Abatement

Emission Reduction Fund Advice on Baseline and Eligibility HVAC Equipment

Client: Department of the Environment 

EnergyConsult provide a technical review of the baseline and high efficiency levels for commercial air conditioners, chillers and close control air conditioners appliances in order to determine potential energy and emission savings that might occur via the installation of high efficiency appliances.  The results were to be included in the draft High Efficiency Commercial Appliances method (the method) for the Emissions Reduction Fund.  The advice was based on EnergyConsult’s prior extensive research and modelling of the energy use of air conditioners, chillers and close control air conditioners.


Design of Fridge Buy Back Program

Client: Sustainability Victoria

EnergyConsult developed a preliminary program design to encourage householders to remove and recycle second refrigerators. EnergyConsult assessed the achievable market for the program and determined the eligibility criteria, financial incentives and applicability of types of program technologies.

Benefits and Costs of JI and CDM for Australian Industry

Client: International Greenhouse Partnerships Office (IGPO)

EnergyConsult?staff managed a study of the benefits and costs for Australia and for Australian industry of early participation in Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. This study researched potential price trends for greenhouse gas abatement ‘credits' obtained under the flexible mechanisms and regulatory, economic and technical factors that might influence such trends and what barriers there might be to Australian industry's participation in such mechanisms. The assignment involved understanding the potential of the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, assessing the present perspectives of industry stakeholders towards JI and CDM projects; reviewing the current costs of hundreds of abatement projects being conducted internationally; developing abatement cost curves for developing scenarios and forecasts of future abatement demand, supply and costs; and examining potential barriers and the direct benefits from early participation of Australian industry from involvement in JI and CDM projects.

Design of Clean Air and Energy Efficiency Incentives and Assistance Programme

Client: Environment Canterbury, New Zealand

EnergyConsult developed a program to mitigate the adverse financial and social effects of clean air policies proposed as part of the Air Plan. Following the successful program developed in 1997 for the Christchurch City Council by EnergyConsult staff, Environment Canterbury is expanded the objectives and budget (to NZ $32M). This new program (called Clean Heat Program) encourages the adoption of low emission heating equipment for the residential sector. EnergyConsult assessed the achievable market for the program and determined the eligibility criteria, financial incentives and applicability of types of program technologies.

Development of Solar Hot Water Business Models

Client: Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria and the City of Melbourne

EnergyConsult undertook a review of potential business and financial models which could be used to increase the market penetration of solar hot water systems in Victoria. A review of international solar development programs was conducted and the factors determining the success of different business models determined. A cost-benefit analysis and financial models and scenarios were developed to evaluate the probable success of several business models. Interviews with stakeholders in the Victorian solar, energy and financial sectors were conducted to establish the parameters affecting interest and probably success of several solar business models and relevant market research was reviewed. Findings were reported and recommendations to increase the penetration of solar hot water systems were made.

Environmental Compliance to NSW Gas Supply Act

Client: Origin Energy Ltd

EnergyConsult developed a set of energy programs to comply with the environmental requirements of the NSW Gas Supply Act. The project involved the research of and development of baseline Greenhouse Gas emissions from the retailing of Natural Gas in NSW. EnergyConsult subsequently designed a set of programs for implementation that reduced GHG emissions and prepared the compliance report for Origin Energy. The Ministry of Energy accepted this report and Origin Energy implemented the programs. In addition to this assignment, EnergyConsult was contracted by Origin Energy Ltd to review and report on all the relevant regulatory compliance issues associated with suppling Natural Gas in NSW and develop recommendations on their future strategy.

Options for the Uptake of Low Emissions Hot Water Systems in Class 1 and 2 Buildings

Client: Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment

An analysis of the Victorian hot water system (HWS) market was undertaken by EnergyConsult which examined the penetration of different types of HWS technologies into the different residential property segments, the factors influencing the choice of technologies, installed costs and decision makers. The relative energy efficiency and greenhouse emissions from different technologies were determined and compared, and options for increase the uptake of low emission HWS were explored and modelled.

Assessment of the Impacts and Costs of the Victorian Greenhouse Strategy

Client: Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria

Energy Consult was the project manager of a large consultancy that provided the Victorian Government with an assessment of the greenhouse emission impacts of the Government's existing greenhouse strategies and the costs and impacts of proposed new strategies. The strategies that were quantified and costed covered all greenhouse activities including energy supply, energy use, transport, industry, waste, agriculture and land-use. The project required a thorough understanding of all aspects of greenhouse abatement calculation and the latest implementation of the Kyoto methodologies.

Cool Communities - Program Design and Technical Consultancy

Client: The Australian Greenhouse Office

EnergyConsult was the project manager and principal consultant conducting program design and providing technical advice for a national program being sponsored by the Australian Greenhouse Office that is aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the residential sector through community-based projects. Projects developed ranged from HERS attached to "green" home loans, to energy efficiency retrofits to community waste management projects. EnergyConsult also designed and implemented a greenhouse emissions abatement measurement system and analysed the first two years of data.